Bed Bug Education – The Key to Preventing Infestations


Property-owners, wouldn’t you feel absolutely horrible if your own daughter or family member rented an apartment infested with mice, rats or cockroaches?


In addition to other pests, the bed bug is no different.


Bed bugs are spreading fast in multi unit properties.


Presently, they are taking over whole buildings.


They are showing up in businesses, hospitals and doctors’ offices and all kinds of work environments.


As a consequence, people carry them wherever they go.


As a property owner, you’ve got to take a proactive approach to what’s happening with bed bugs in your buildings.


Not just for your tenants. For the safety and stability of your property as well.


No one wants to move into an infested property, no matter what the pest.


Yet today, more and more tenants are moving into bed bug infested units.


Tenants are afraid to sleep in their own beds and are completely sleep deprived.


Some sit up all night with flashlight in hand.


All this is completely avoidable.


Property Owners and Managers Proactive Role


Talk about bed bugs!


Bed bugs are no secret and continue to be a part of community living.


Tenants deserve to know the possibilities of bed bugs and their risks.


Some owners and management companies refuse to speak about them.


Stop denying responsibility, blaming your tenants, and telling them not to tell anyone.


Build a reputation of being a knowledgeable and intelligent landlord.


Have your complete staff educated.


Creating a Positive Role for Tenants


New tenants aren’t always at fault for bringing bed bugs into apartments.


Many times, bed bugs may be present from the previous tenant.


And in some cases, they could be coming from an adjacent apartment.


Holding tenants responsible for someone else’s infestation can get you sued.


Having educated tenants and policies in place, allows your tenants to openly approach you with any possible bed bug problem.


Instead of creating fear, hiding and self-treatments (Which ultimately backfires and causes more spreading of them).


Create a fluent operating procedure that will greatly reduce infestations and protect your ROI.


Knowing bed bug risks and probable places where they’re found, develops a new conscientiousness.


This gives your tenants confidence and trust in you.


Reduce Bed Bugs to “Occurrences” Only


Don’t overlook bed bugs problems.


We can fully train you and your staff on proper protocols.


This strategy helps to reduce bed bugs to “occurrences” only and eliminates “infestations” forever.


The IBBRA Layered Defense Strategy is a proven strategy.


It helps protect against any serious infestations from ever occurring in your building.


This total education and eradication system delivers powerful bed bug education and awareness.

  • Takes away the excuse of “not knowing”
  • Establishes due diligence
  • Sets easy to follow policies and procedures
  • Commits to early notification
  • Diminishes self-treatment attempts
  • Protects from lawsuits
  • Provides a powerful take-away message for prevention.


Allow us to help put a plan in place.


Give us a call today!  508-713-8267