
Off to Cambridge to inspect a condo unit and a car.  It takes a lot of patient training to get a dog to inspect a car all on its own.Malamar had no problem alerting here at the back of the front passenger seat near the pocket area.

We ask that the car be vacuumed a day before we conduct the inspection for the following reasons:

  • Most people’s cars have a lot of food “left-overs” so let me explain what some of these are and how lethal they can be:
  1. Peanuts, walnuts, macademias and other nuts:  These will cause nervous system and muscle damage.
  2. Chocolate: is toxic to heart and nervous system and can cause death.
  3. Gum and candy:  contains Xylitol which causes liver failure and hypoglycemia.  It can also lead to death.
  4. Raisins, currants etc.:  causes kidney failure
  • And then there are all kinds of medication like tylenol and advil with can cause serious ulcers and kidney failure.
  • Finally, any sharp instrument, glass shard, thumb tacks etc, can clearly hurt the dog’s paws or even puncture it’s nose or body.

So please have some heart for our dogs and let them inspect your vehicle out of harm’s way and free of food distractions.  After all they are here to sniff out bedbugs.